- Guests must sign in at the clubhouse and abide by the club rules at all times. Copies of the rules are displayed in the Club House.
- All dogs must be on a leash and under control at all times.
- Shooters are allowed to purchase one card only per round and in the case of a trophy shoot the score on the first card only will count.
- No cards will be sold after 12 noon, this includes entries for second and subsequent rounds and all shooting will cease by 1pm.
- Due to their involvement in other duties, committee members reserve the right to shoot first in a queue situation at any stand.
- The instructions of the safety officer must be obeyed at all times.
- To assist the committee in cleaning up operations would all shooters please use the containers provided for spent cartridges.
- All automatic shotguns must be fitted with a safety indicator when not in the shooting cage. All other shotguns must be carried “broken” unless being stored in the gun racks supplied.
- No guns are allowed within the clubhouse without prior permission of the committee.
- The committee reserves the right to alter any stand at any time due to mechanical failure or reasons of safety. The committee will whenever possible, endeavor to duplicate the failed bird as accurately as possible with the traps available.
- No shot size under No 6 is to be used at the shoot. Offenders will be asked to leave the ground.
- The wearing of eye, ear and head protection is strongly recommended by the committee.
- When one blast of a whistle or horn is heard all shooting must cease. Firing can only continue after two horn or whistle blasts.